Mankica Kranjec
About Mankica
Mankica travels frequently between Slovenia and Belgium, but she finds herself captivated by the vibrant energy of her hometown, Ljubljana. She delights in the colors around her, enjoys dancing barefoot, and watching paper dragons drift through the sky. The sound of street musicians fills her with joy, and she cherishes receiving flowers and listening to good music with her purple headphones. She adores the scent of blossoming cherry trees, the peaceful atmosphere of summer nights, and the dynamic cultural scene of bustling big cities. The magic of the circus never fails to enchant her. Mankica treasures extraordinary moments with friends, the spontaneous smiles of strangers, and the excitement of riding through the hectic streets of Bangkok in a tuk-tuk. She savors the taste of sweet strawberries and the aroma of chili at native marketplaces in Hong Kong, enjoying ginger tea with locals.
Urban art, Andy Warhol’s creations, and the charming work of her favorite film director, Roberto Benigni, are sources of both inspiration and amusement. In her youth, she collected paper napkins, but now she collects memories through the lens of her camera. As an eternal optimist who loves her work, Mankica holds deep respect for photojournalism. Every project she takes on is treated with the same level of importance, and she completes each assignment with meticulous care.